Dear Neighbor,
It's overwhelming, trying to keep up with the hourly avalanche of news: the actions, reactions, and retractions of the Trump/Musk administration and the rising resistance. And that's the point.
In 2019, Steve Bannon proposed this "muzzle velocity" strategy, as reported in Ezra Klein's excellent piece. "The opposition party is the media. And the media can only, because they’re dumb and they’re lazy, they can only focus on one thing at a time. …
All we have to do is flood the zone. Every day we hit them with three things. They’ll bite on one, and we’ll get all of our stuff done. Bang, bang, bang. These guys will never — will never be able to recover. But we’ve got to start with muzzle velocity."
Klein says Trump's unilateral orders project strength but actually show weakness; he can't get all of them through legal, legislative means. "Trump is acting like a king because he is too weak to govern like a president." He won the popular vote by 1.5%, has a low approval rating, and has thin margins in the House and Senate.